AllStar Link System

We are running AllStarLink version 3 (ASL3) node #602943 connected to our Echolink node #160251 and soon will join with our YSF Node #30180. AllStar Link is a based on the commercial asterisk system that businees run their voice systems on, modified for ham radio for linking repeaters it provides a very reliable and stable way of linking.

How can you connect?

How to get an AllstarLink account

Register on the AllStarLink page and follow the instructions.

Our Features

We have SkywarnPlus installed and running for Carroll and Douglas county for weather alerts. They will appear on the supermon page and announce on the linked system.

Our monitor page is WR4VR AllStal SuperMon for monitoring the weather alerts and allstar node status.

References & Resources

Current configuration

This is the current configuration except for the TGIF will be added later. Future will add a local RF node to control and do announcements on the RF side to the repeater.