Net Script

Net Control Script


CQ,CQ Calling all Amateur Radio Operators. Reset Pause

This is the Villa Rica Radio Club two-meter net on the WR4VR repeater, which is located in Villa Rica, GA. Reset

Your Net Control opereator for this net is NAME CALLSIGN. Reset

I will be your net control for tonight's net which meets on this repeater every Wednesday at 20:00 hours local GA time. Reset

This repeater has an access tone of 127.3 hertz with a positive (+) offset. Reset

Before we begin the net let's make a quick check for anyone with emergency or priority traffic Reset

The purpose of this net is to discover and meet up with other radio amateurs and share news and information about ham radio. It is also a designated time to test your equipment and radio skills for repeater operations. Reset

The format for this net is checkins, announcements, comments and finally swap and shop. Stations checking in Give your CALLSIGN, NAME, and LOCATION. Reset


We will begin by taking checkins for . Please Call Now...



Are there any announcement or queries for the net, please call now... Reset

Last call for checkins, anyone missed? Reset

Swap and Shop

Does anyone have any items related to ham radio to announce for the swap and shop... Reset


Thanks for everyone checking in and participating in the Villa Rica Wednesday Night Net. We had a total of ## of checkins and Net Control retuns the repeater back to normal amateur use. This is NAME CALLSIGN, 73s to all.